Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday to the Walton Middle School Family!!

We have had another terrific week at WMS.This week all students finally received their 1:1 laptops J!!Tuesday night we hosted a technology meeting with parents to discuss the 1:1 rollout, Internet safety protocols and expectations for using the new computers. One of the highlights of the week has to be how quickly students have gotten themselves into a routine of using their locker and getting to class on time!!

Next week we will begin our Walton Wrap Up time at the end of the day.It will be nice to have this extra opportunity to extend and enrich opportunities from our classrooms.

Kudos to all WMS students and staff for making this first full week a great one!!

Keep up the good work!

Mr. Vrhovac

"It's about the future, Madame Chancellor. Some people think the future means the end of history. Well, we haven't run out of history quite yet. Your father called the future - "the undiscovered country". People can be very frightened of change."- James T. Kirk

I spent the summer woodworking, going to the Mechanical Aerospace Engineering building at UVA, attending meetings like Design 2015 and CAI, which focus on the future, and Climate Improvement Meetings, focusing on improving Walton's past. I went to several meetings with some very knowledgeable people, focusing on "turning CTE upside down" (phrase by Chad Ratliff). People who think teachers get the summer 'off' should really have hung out with me, as I struggled to learn everything I could to prepare for this year!
At the end of the summer, I still worried. I had a plan, but this was unlike any other school year. My plan was NOT to know everything and simply impart knowledge on my students. I had received all sorts of cutting edge technology from a Design 2015 grant. I have Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, a 3D printer, and all sorts of new programs (at least to me), like Solidworks, FabLab, Scratch to Arduino, and enough others to make the head spin. My plan is to learn alongside my students.... but. It's hard to let go of the reins like that. Especially with ten 'preps' in just the first semester.
My first day was a transforming experience. My homeroom is fourteen 7th and 8th graders (and we'll add 7-8 more 6th graders soon) that run the video morning announcements called WLHW (for the full name of our school, Leslie H. Walton). Julie Lederman (Instructional Coach turned Gifted/Talented Teacher) and I had prepared in every way we could imagine to troubleshoot for the previous week and a half, but within 5 minutes, these impressive students had found three things and fixed problems that I didn't even know we had. The teachers and DART staff had converted to a digital streaming show with the help of technology gurus from all over the county, and all three shows that we've shot so far have gone off without a hitch, almost completely because of my WLHW staff.

My classes, all different across the first two days, were all like this, inspiring and eye-opening. I had kids on the first day that begged to be able to dig into wires, breadboards and LED lights, rather than just sit and talk during the last seven minutes of the first class. I had students today that were geeking out about the new things they were discovering on their own, with no real 'guidance' from me, on Scratch. Everyone was so happy and positive to just 'play' ... while really they were actually using logic, reasoning, and great attitudes to create their first projects in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Media Technology.

In a day of high points, perhaps my best moments were while creating a special presentation set to air on WLHW next Wednesday on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, DC. My media class is helping to find backgrounds from across the United States for our green screen and helping shoot footage for 83 student volunteers from all over the school to deliver 83 separate 'lines' of Dr. King's famous "I have a dream" speech.

I'm not saying that I don't continue to squirm with how uncomfortable it makes me to not be 'prepared' and 'know-it-all' .... but it helps to have such great reactions from all the kids that I've come into contact with during our first week. I look forward to continuing the fun next week and so on, into the "Undiscovered Country" of the future! Follow our adventures on Twitter and my blog!

 Thanks for reading!

-Jon Barber / CTE Exploratory / Walton Middle School

Collaboration—Success is a Team Effort!
The longer I teach; the more I realize how much I rely on my colleagues to be successful in the classroom.  Even the best teacher is better with a partner, because as trite as it sounds… two heads are better than one. In my ten years in the classroom, I learn as much from other teachers as my students learn from me. I’ve been lucky to have many types of collaborations… PLC (Professional Learning Communities), gifted resource, special education, and UVA student teachers, are just a few examples of partners I’ve worked with over the years. I am thankful for the strategies I’ve learned from working with others that have made me a better teacher.
Today, I had the fortune of following the lead of my collaborative partner, Brandon Isaiah. He suggested we create centers that were multi-sensory, utilizing computers, expo markers, and a game with dice. We reviewed the material covered so far this year in an engaging lesson that was enjoyable for the kids and adults. Students “counted off” to get a station, creating a situation that allowed everyone to partner with new classmates. Collaboratively students worked together, making learning pleasurable, and preparing them to get along in ways they will be expected to in their future fields.

Trying new things can be scary… especially when you are the one in front of a room full of people waiting to follow your lead. Taking risks is easier with a team. As I watched my classes giggle and laugh during today’s “quiz review,” I was thankful that Mr. Isaiah showed me new ways to work with students in the classroom. When I complimented his work, he sheepishly said, “I got it all from watching other people.” But that’s what great teachers do, observe, model, and make things their own. Together, we improve each other, making education better for all the children in our schools.

Ms. Jennifer Graham
6th grade LA

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Best Wishes for Another Great Year
The start of this year has been filled with a strong sense of déjà vu—my schedule is the same as last year, half of my Read 180 students have returned, and some of my honors kids worked in a pull-out with me last year!  It’s an odd feeling of everything being completely the same while being totally different.

       As I introduce new students to Read 180, I share anecdotes about people whose hard work paid off.  I joke about siblings who love Read 180, past students who’ll say I’m fabulous, and how much they’ll cry when they finally leave me.  The students know I’m teasing, but it breaks the tension and we end up feeling better about the start of school.  Later, former students smile when they pass me in the hall, calling out encouragements to the newest Read 180 crew.  It’s then that I grow nostalgic about how they’ve outgrown me!

       Planning for the honors class is another déjà vu moment—I’m partnered with a teacher from Fluvanna again.  Sharing materials with Mrs. Cruthirds and mapping out concepts and skills gave me a chance to reminisce about highlights from past years.  The major success from last year was the Literature Circle unit Mrs. Dwier-Selden endorsed.   In the spring, we purchased six sets of literature circle novels on advanced reading levels that matched the abilities of the students.  My honors kids ate up the books, with some students reading all six! 

 One book in particular resonated with the students.  Wonder, by R. J. Palacio, was an easy read, but contained a message that moved even the most jaded eighth grader.  Auggie’s experiences in middle school involved typical experiences—making new friends, handling gossip, ignoring the bully—that were made worse by the attention he received due to his severe facial deformities.  Auggie’s maturity and essential goodness helped him persevere through the tough times.  His best experiences occurred in his Language Arts class (as it did for my students, I hope!) and much of the book focused on the lessons he learned there. 

 Mr. Browne began each month with a precept for his kids, something to make them think and grow.  The school year yielded ten precepts, lessons as useful to Walton students as they were for Auggie’s class.  Over the summer, Mr. Browne asked the kids to send him postcards with their own precepts.  The novel ends with each student’s precept, a lesson that truly reflects the personality and character of each student. 

 One student who read Wonder for class encouraged his Lit Circle group to send precepts over the summer, too.  While the others no doubt got caught up in preparations for high school and plans for ninth grade, this young man really took Mr. Browne’s lessons to heart.  He emailed me this summer with a precept that I think best summarizes the lessons I’ve tried to teach.  As often happens with students, he’s able to say more with fewer words.  I offer his sentiments to everyone in the hopes that we all have a great year:

       "’Work smarter not harder.’ is the precept I have adopted from my father. He...owns his own general contracting business. He uses this precept when he works because he likes to plan before he goes in and does any work. I would like to abide by this precept in high school to make workloads easier for me to bear. Thanks for all of the knowledge you have given me. Best of luck with this year’s class.”

      Best of luck to those who've moved on Monticello and to all of the new students who've joined us at Walton.  Have a Wonderful year!

Natalie M. Capps
Read 180 and Honors Language Arts 8


Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Friday!

One week down! I have to say, these kids are amazing. Sixth graders came in and rocked their lockers this week. As many of you know, lockers are a big source of stress for new students. The teachers have been out in the hall helping the new 6th grade students. It has been awesome to watch those who master their locker move on and help a friend. I got a chance to sit in on two classes this week: 6th grade science and 8th grade Pre-Algebra. Both teachers did terrific lessons with their students. The kids were engaged and, in one case, actually got angry when the lesson was over (what is in the mystery box, Ms. Cabrera?!?) We had a few new faces join us this week as well. Officer Davis, our new School Resource Officer, was able to visit all three lunches today and start meeting the students. Mr. Peter Schmitt, part of a dynamic duo helping with Guidance, also started today and started working with students right away. In short, we are settling in and the ball is now rolling. Remember that Monday is a Gold Day. Have a great weekend, Wildcats!
Mr. Guy

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Good evening Walton Families.

Today was a super first day of school at Walton. Students came in ready and rested thanks to you. They had their first of their daily morning meetings in homeroom, doing a greeting with one another and reading the daily message from their teachers. As I walked in and out of classrooms throughout the day, I saw students engaged in community building activities, getting to know you activities with teachers, and engaging learning. 

 Mr. Vrhovac and I met with each grade level and reviewed the code of conduct. Your copy is in the first day packet of information that your children received at the end of the day in homeroom.  We have also posted the code of conduct on the Walton website. 

We are looking forward to another great day tomorrow.

Alison Dwier-Selden

The First Day is Here!

The first day is almost over and the students could not have done a better job! There were a few issues with the buses learning where new students live, so if your child missed the bus this morning, we do apologize. Please let us know as soon as this happens so we can get the issue resolved. Aside from that, the day has been rolling right along! We met with all three grade levels to review the Code of Conduct. Students should come home with a copy of this today, but it can also be found on the main WMS site. A few changes this year:
  • Accountability, Responsibility and Respect are the big words for the year.
  • No hats inside the building. They can be worn outside during PE, but once a student comes inside, hats should be removed.
  • A few dress code changes. Please review these with your child.
  • Students have 4 minutes between class changes. Items such as backpacks or sports bags should be kept in the lockers rather than in class.
  • Student pick up: At the end of the day, if you pick up your child, please make sure you use the lot to the right. The parking lots directly in front of the school will be blocked off. This is to make sure all of our students are safe with the crosswalks. We will have signs out this week as folks get used to the new traffic pattern.
Seeing the buses roll in this morning was terrific. The students have done an amazing job with the first day. Only a handful of lost children looking for a random class. We have had a lot of positive feedback from parents today, which helps us set the tone for the year. Everyone is about to start  4th block, so I am off to the halls. Have a great day, Wildcats!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It's Here!

It’s here! The first day of school is tomorrow. For those of you who like to keep track of your child’s daily schedule, tomorrow is a BLUE DAY. We are so looking forward to seeing your children. Mr. Vrhovac and I will meet with each grade level tomorrow to welcome them to the school year and review the code of conduct. Your children will be bringing home packets with information for you, including your copy of the code of conduct. We will post it on our website tomorrow afternoon as well.
I also would like to alert those of you who drop off and pick up your children in the afternoon that we will be using the drop off and pick up loop that is on the right hand side of the building. This is a new traffic pattern for families so we will have staff out to help you for two weeks. Using this designated area will help with cars and buses loading and unloading simultaneously and keep cars from having to worry about blocking parked cars in lower parking lots.
Again, welcome to the 2013-14 school year!

Alison Dwier-Selden

Last Day of Summer!

Where did the summer go!?! Tomorrow is the big day, folks! For our students, tomorrow will be the day to wake up early after a summer of hibernation. As I have said in prior posts, the staff here at WMS is very excited for tomorrow. The building does not feel right when the students are away. We will have schedules available for students that do not have a hard copy in hand. Students will report to homeroom in the mornings where they will get a LOT of information about the first week of school. Each grade will have a meeting in the newly-renovated amphitheater during the day where Mrs. Dwier–Selden, Mr. Vrhovac and Mr. Guy will go over school expectations. For our parents, it will be a day where you will be receiving a LOT of information from school as those First Day Packets come home. You will get information about the student Code of Conduct, information about drop-off and pick up changes and a slew of other assorted information for your reading pleasure. Make sure you ask your son or daughter for that packet when they get home. Expect tired kids by the time they get back to you. The first day is always super busy. Can’t wait to see everyone!

Mr. Cabell Guy
Testing Coordinator

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday, August 19th

For those that have not seen it yet, I am trying to update the school’s website and add a lot of new information that will be useful for parents. If you click on the “School Counseling” tab in the menu, you will now find a collection of parent resources ranging from where to go for help, bullying topics with teens, and a variety of other assorted pieces of information that you - as parents - can pull from when you need it. In addition, I have created a section that will (hopefully) make finding information from the main ACPS website easier for parents. As the year progresses, I hope to make a lot of additions to the site to make it easier for parents and students to navigate. A lot of good work was done today in this building today. I hope students are enjoying their last two days of vacation and come ready to learn on Wednesday. The staff is hitting the ground running!
Mr. Cabell Guy
Testing Coordinator

Friday, August 16, 2013

End of the week message

Good evening Walton Families.

This has been an exciting week at Walton. The teaching staff returned to school Monday morning and the energy in the building surged. Teachers have been working very hard to prepare learning spaces and plan for engaging and challenging instruction for students. 

We held our Open House yesterday evening. Students found their classrooms and met their teachers. Parents met teachers and had the opportunity to sign up for Parent Portal as well. If you would like to sign up for Parent Portal, our web-based system for allowing parents to view their children's grades, stop by school between 8:30 and 4:30  to sign up. You will need your drivers license.

 I was thrilled to see our students and meet families last night. I am looking forward to a powerful school year. 

Alison Dwier-Selden

Open House

It was a terrific evening at Walton yesterday. We opened our doors for the first time this school year for both parents and students to come visit the school. Turnout was terrific! We had a number of new faces come through last night as the new sixth grade students came to walk the halls, meet the teachers and start learning the pathways to class. Sixth grade students always bring the most energy to the table and that was evident yesterday. They were excited and a bit anxious at first, but as they found their teachers’ rooms, nerves started to be settled. There were a lot of seventh graders walking around last night as well. Some were here to size up their new teachers, but most were here to see old friends and familiar faces. We even had a few eighth graders make the journey to school yesterday evening to see the staff and to find their classes for this year. A lot were comparing notes about who was together in class and reviewing schedules. The SCA reps. were on hand to help new students and former students alike find their way to the right spot.  A lot of parents got the chance to sign up for Parent Portal to access their child’s schedule and classroom grades. It was a great evening and the excitement was palpable. This morning, the staff is more excited than ever to get this year started. Enjoy the final weekend before the next school year begins and we cannot wait to see everyone next week!
Mr. Cabell Guy
Testing Coordinator

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday Work

On a day as nice as this, it is hard to stay focused inside; however, the staff at Walton has done a great job taking care of business today. Two weeks ago, you found have found me playing in the Tye River on a day as nice as this. Even as adults, readjusting to school schedules can be difficult, so we know our parents and students have some interesting days ahead as school schedules start to return. That said, we need our students back! The building has had a few student visitors today, and it reminds you how much life they bring to the building.

So, what has been going on at Walton today? Short answer: A lot! We had a great visit from Mr. Steve Koleszar and Dr. Matt Haas this morning which was both inspirational and purposeful. A few nuts and bolts meetings this morning as administration set the tone for the year. The afternoon was mostly meeting-based, so as one of the new guys in the building, it was great to see how the different departments interact with one another. What I have seen in the first two days is that we have a staff here dedicated to enriching students’ lives. The ideas that have been tossed around thus far for interesting and fun activities to engage student learning has me very excited for the next few days/weeks/months that lay ahead. Seeing this staff generate ideas to help achieve student success for all students has been very motivating. 

Tomorrow night is the Open House for students and parents from 4 PM to 6 PM. I cannot wait to start meeting everyone. There are a lot of great things happening here and we cannot wait for the students to come back. We hope you all enjoy your last week of summer break. Seven days until school and we are thrilled to get back to work!

Cabell Guy
Testing Coordinator

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Welcome back, Walton Staff!


It is hard to believe that summer is drawing to a close for another year. The summer has brought a lot of changes to Walton. The rooms all have new paint and there is a new color scheme in the building. The Amphitheater is getting a complete make-over. We have a few new staff members joining the team, some with familiar faces! This week, the WMS Staff has returned to the building and the teams are already hard at work planning curriculum and laying out the 2013/2014 school year. Parent Portal went live on Friday, August 9th with student schedules, so it is safe to assume our students are texting and calling one another to see who they have classes with for the year.

As part of the new school year, we are starting a blog to help keep our Walton families as up-to-date with life here in the building as we can. You will see the entire faculty take part in the blog throughout the year. Posts may range from what a specific teacher found interesting at school on any given day to reflections about a class, or even interesting stories and news bits that happened here in the building. We invite you to check back as often as you like and hope to see you all in person once the school year begins.

For now, I’d like to take a moment to remind everyone that the Open House is this Thursday, August 15th from 4 – 6 PM. If you would like to come out and meet your teachers for the upcoming year, we would love to have you stop in. There is a lot of excitement in the air here at Walton for this school year. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Cabell Guy
Testing Coordinator