Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday Work

On a day as nice as this, it is hard to stay focused inside; however, the staff at Walton has done a great job taking care of business today. Two weeks ago, you found have found me playing in the Tye River on a day as nice as this. Even as adults, readjusting to school schedules can be difficult, so we know our parents and students have some interesting days ahead as school schedules start to return. That said, we need our students back! The building has had a few student visitors today, and it reminds you how much life they bring to the building.

So, what has been going on at Walton today? Short answer: A lot! We had a great visit from Mr. Steve Koleszar and Dr. Matt Haas this morning which was both inspirational and purposeful. A few nuts and bolts meetings this morning as administration set the tone for the year. The afternoon was mostly meeting-based, so as one of the new guys in the building, it was great to see how the different departments interact with one another. What I have seen in the first two days is that we have a staff here dedicated to enriching students’ lives. The ideas that have been tossed around thus far for interesting and fun activities to engage student learning has me very excited for the next few days/weeks/months that lay ahead. Seeing this staff generate ideas to help achieve student success for all students has been very motivating. 

Tomorrow night is the Open House for students and parents from 4 PM to 6 PM. I cannot wait to start meeting everyone. There are a lot of great things happening here and we cannot wait for the students to come back. We hope you all enjoy your last week of summer break. Seven days until school and we are thrilled to get back to work!

Cabell Guy
Testing Coordinator

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