Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Last Day of Summer!

Where did the summer go!?! Tomorrow is the big day, folks! For our students, tomorrow will be the day to wake up early after a summer of hibernation. As I have said in prior posts, the staff here at WMS is very excited for tomorrow. The building does not feel right when the students are away. We will have schedules available for students that do not have a hard copy in hand. Students will report to homeroom in the mornings where they will get a LOT of information about the first week of school. Each grade will have a meeting in the newly-renovated amphitheater during the day where Mrs. Dwier–Selden, Mr. Vrhovac and Mr. Guy will go over school expectations. For our parents, it will be a day where you will be receiving a LOT of information from school as those First Day Packets come home. You will get information about the student Code of Conduct, information about drop-off and pick up changes and a slew of other assorted information for your reading pleasure. Make sure you ask your son or daughter for that packet when they get home. Expect tired kids by the time they get back to you. The first day is always super busy. Can’t wait to see everyone!

Mr. Cabell Guy
Testing Coordinator

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