Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Friday!

One week down! I have to say, these kids are amazing. Sixth graders came in and rocked their lockers this week. As many of you know, lockers are a big source of stress for new students. The teachers have been out in the hall helping the new 6th grade students. It has been awesome to watch those who master their locker move on and help a friend. I got a chance to sit in on two classes this week: 6th grade science and 8th grade Pre-Algebra. Both teachers did terrific lessons with their students. The kids were engaged and, in one case, actually got angry when the lesson was over (what is in the mystery box, Ms. Cabrera?!?) We had a few new faces join us this week as well. Officer Davis, our new School Resource Officer, was able to visit all three lunches today and start meeting the students. Mr. Peter Schmitt, part of a dynamic duo helping with Guidance, also started today and started working with students right away. In short, we are settling in and the ball is now rolling. Remember that Monday is a Gold Day. Have a great weekend, Wildcats!
Mr. Guy

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