Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday, August 19th

For those that have not seen it yet, I am trying to update the school’s website and add a lot of new information that will be useful for parents. If you click on the “School Counseling” tab in the menu, you will now find a collection of parent resources ranging from where to go for help, bullying topics with teens, and a variety of other assorted pieces of information that you - as parents - can pull from when you need it. In addition, I have created a section that will (hopefully) make finding information from the main ACPS website easier for parents. As the year progresses, I hope to make a lot of additions to the site to make it easier for parents and students to navigate. A lot of good work was done today in this building today. I hope students are enjoying their last two days of vacation and come ready to learn on Wednesday. The staff is hitting the ground running!
Mr. Cabell Guy
Testing Coordinator

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